Been at it for 2 n a bit years now had gold come out around me over that time was so frustrating to not be getting. This post goes out to all the gold virgins. It will come as was said to me learn your tecta then get yourself over gold. Both peices bang 1g. Had my 4500 I recently had Ray you legend from batemans change things up. A gpz many 5000s N sdc have wacked this spot n not much trash comes off now I got em new yrs eve morning n other last week.todays peice I had in 5 mins Super stoked both were second targets dug thats an awesome trash ratio imagine if I could keep that up lol yeah right. Yesterday I was just a boy who had found gold today I became a detecterist.
Ps heres a tip. Thanks C$$$$ n D$$$ for the almost full bucket of trash removed you bloody legends. Watch this space. No longer virgin. Oh yeah nsw represent.