First thanks to the members of this forum for the really helpful info on what to look for and where. Also for posting your finds, seeing that there are still bits to find is great motivation to keep trying.
Been detecting with hired equipment across much of the GT with no success for 18 months.. still decided to buy a Gpx4500, 3 months ago and added a coiltek elite 14.. finally after many bullets, rusty iron, shells (and possibly a meteorite). I found my first nugget, signal was just a break in the threshold but repeatable. Taking off the plant layer made the break easier to pin, 3 inches down and got mellow tone. About 8 inches up she came.. 1.40g nuglet, hopefully first steps towards a Zed!
Onya Aneillius. You sound like you have the persistence and attitude to find many many more.
Put the nugget in a plastic display bubble with the find date and details in it.
That first nugget will mean more to you down the track after you have found a few kilos worth of nuggets.
Cheers RDD
Hi All,
The long wait for the new 19" coil for the 7000 is over, two hours after picking mine up last Monday I had my first of two finds with the big beast, a 1.7 gram piece from a very well flogged area, it was down about 350mm in shale, next day a 0.27 gram piece, again from an area I had gridded several times in past years, it was down about 120mm. these were the only two pieces found for the trip with the new coil, long grass covered about 90% of the country well suited to the 19" beast, making detecting almost impossible with the new coil, which was disappointing to say the least.
After five days with the new coil there is still much to be sorted, more on that subject in the MineLab section.
The remainder of the finds came from the odd bits of ground with shot grass where the 14" coil could be swung without too much trouble, in all a disappointing trip, still 7.8 grams is better than nothing, it all adds up over time.