Hey Pawny - Well done! I was up at HillEnd this weekend too! (I was the guy on the little white bike up on the rise doing battle with those kids that were running around until 11PM Friday night... Glug-Glug... ZZzzzz ZZZzzz...ZZZzz.... SCREAM!.... WTF???... hmmm... Grrrr....)
The SDC is a truly amazing machine, and it is so small! Pulled these few bits of colour out of the ground over the weekend. I am still grinning.
In order of appearance...
1/ Thought this one was junk. It had a solid but inverted low-high signal. I dug down a bit, and the signal was still strong and inverted AND now under a 1cm diameter tree root. It was about then I got a bit of a pulse going - 1.4g
2/ Up and at them at 6! (some guy in a 4WD woke me up leaving the campground 30 mins earlier

). I don't do mornings. A bleary eyed whisper, cleared the ground a little for a better sound... found this little beauty at the bottom of a hole - 0.6g
3/ Its now late Sunday morning. I had no breakfast, had a caffeine headache and was starting to think about breaking camp, packing the bike and maybe doing battle with the nutjobs across the Gt-Western Highway when I got a screamer on a "bald" clay patch. Now I am still learning this machine and pinpointing is still a black art. The target was right on the surface and I had been kicking it back and forward the previous 5mins with my boot. It had a loud, solid but warbly tone. With not such a great mental attitude I said out load to the hills "If I don't pick this up in the first handful of dirt I am leaving it. Lesson learnt... if I go the effort to be there, and find a target, zanshin! Close the deal. - 0.0g on my dodgy scales
Family photo...