There is a transparent lightish yellow orthoclase feldspar (called Labradorite) found near Casino NSW, It looks similar in crystal structure but yellow.
The hardness is a puzzler though, "scratched easily by pocket knife" though I have managed to scratch quartz with a pen knife using extreme force, (more like a crushing fracture)a knife blade is about 5.5 to 6 from memory so leaning more towards Feldspar on that one.
Looking at an enlarged picture the internal parallel structure could be lamella twinning that occurs in the Labradorite from Casino. The top face on the first picture of the crystal does not look like cleaved face as there is a cubed piece sitting on one end that would be unlikely to be left if the piece had been cleaved, also note there is a conchoidal fracture internally in the top of the crystal that runs about 1/2 way down behind the front face and 1/2 way across the right front which would have cut across the apparent cleavage plain.
The white rocks with the dark areas look a bit like Chert or quartzite. There is a type of opalised wood that has similar colours but has a definite wood structure, Those piece are not that)
All Quartz minerals are 7 on the Mohs hardness scale, this includes Chalcedony, Agate, Quartz crystal, massive Quartz, Amethyst, Citrine, Jasper (impure form) even petrified wood that is formed from silica enrichment.
Topaz is 8
All beryls including Emerald, Morganite, Heliodor, Aquamarine, are all 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs.
Corundums are 9 Mohs scale (Ruby, Sapphire)
Diamond of course is top the list at 10
Everybody who fossicks should get themselves good hand Loupe and a copy of a good geology text book as an aid to Identifying there finds. Gemmology and Mineralogy seem to be streets apart when it comes to text books so it's probably good to have one for each.
Physical properties are the biggest clue (lustre, appearance, crystal form, hardness, cleavage etc.), then the diagnostics through Refractive index, Specific gravity, Xray fluorescence. etc
It's all part of the fun.
I love collecting the concentrates from a gold pan, drying them out and examining them under a 20x to 40X Gemological stereo microscope.
It's amazing the different type of crystal I find, even found a minute diamond crystal from some old Stanthorpe tin concentrates.
Most interesting was 3mm long green apatite crystals form another location, if only they were 3 cm :-/
Having studied Gemmology I still have a 3rd copy of Goubylins? GEMS, a fantastic reference book with outstanding photographs for it's time.
Also I have a copy of Sinnkankas? Mineralogy that I found indispensable and still pull out from time to time.
The instruments I payed big money for (and had to save to get) are now available on eBay for a fraction of the cost.
A simply hand loupe is you best tool, you may even see identifying inclusion. Now that's a whole new world! totally amazing.
Hope this helps.