Hi All,
Anyone in this forum familiar with fossicking in the Sofala area?
I will be going there in September for a couple of days with my Daughter and her partner.
Our intention is to fossick both in the Turon River (pan, sluice and yabby pump) and surrounds (detecting).
We already have permission to fossick on Crown Lands marked A to E in the screenshot below.
Can anyone please kindly advise (based on actual experience) the best areas [A-E] to 1) Pan?, 2) Sluice? and 3) Detect?
Not asking anyone to give away their secret / favourite spot, just after a friendly pointer as to the best LOT(s) to use the 3 methods based on your actual experience.
The LOTS we have permission to fossick in are;
[A: Lot 7353 DP 1143073].
[B: Lot 7001 DP 1002454, Lot 5 DP 1231148 and Lot1 DP 1231148].
[C: Lot 7309 DP 1123796 and Lot 8 DP 1231148].
[D: Lot 51 DP 1180615].
[E: Lot 9 DP 1171406 and Lot 14 DP 1184482].

Many thanks - Roy the Boy.
Anyone in this forum familiar with fossicking in the Sofala area?
I will be going there in September for a couple of days with my Daughter and her partner.
Our intention is to fossick both in the Turon River (pan, sluice and yabby pump) and surrounds (detecting).
We already have permission to fossick on Crown Lands marked A to E in the screenshot below.
Can anyone please kindly advise (based on actual experience) the best areas [A-E] to 1) Pan?, 2) Sluice? and 3) Detect?
Not asking anyone to give away their secret / favourite spot, just after a friendly pointer as to the best LOT(s) to use the 3 methods based on your actual experience.
The LOTS we have permission to fossick in are;
[A: Lot 7353 DP 1143073].
[B: Lot 7001 DP 1002454, Lot 5 DP 1231148 and Lot1 DP 1231148].
[C: Lot 7309 DP 1123796 and Lot 8 DP 1231148].
[D: Lot 51 DP 1180615].
[E: Lot 9 DP 1171406 and Lot 14 DP 1184482].

Many thanks - Roy the Boy.