Outback Relics and Ruins

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Philip & Sandra Box
Oct 10, 2014
Reaction score
Cue, WA
Perhaps you have a photo or two of interesting relics and ruins found during your outback and goldfield adventures.


This is a not too old relic that I'm sure will stir some memories....
Pitty the rims are damaged.
They would be worth a fortune otherwise.
Sure does bring back memories.
My second company car was a mustard Charger. It was a heap of ****. Leaked like a sieve. When it rained I had to roll up my trousers to the knee as the water sloshed from the back well to the front.
On my trip I had the boot loaded with cartons of paint including the back seat and the passenger side and floor. It was literally floating on air. Up Macquarie Pass, into Exeter, Moss Vale etc Bowral for a Cointer lunch and a couple of schooners. Ah, those were the days,NOT?
Mackka :eek: :eek: ;)
How many of those old tanks were built? They are scattered across the country from end to end. Mrs M collects the screw-on lids usually from London.


We picked up this old bucket near Sandstone WA. It looks like a cast iron bucket but is actually made from sheet steel nicely formed to look that way. Just another of Mrs M's additions to the boot :rolleyes:

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