Finds with Xterra 305

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Apr 12, 2015
Reaction score
Newcastle, NSW
Todays best finds
1. Old padlock
2. Hood ornimant?
3. Peice of metal that says: have fun with scanlens sweets
4. Cool old buckle

It was a good day :D
Ramjet said:
Cool finds LS. Thanks for coming out. It's a shame the hood armament isn't complete. Bad luck there wasn't much in the way of pre decs. Next time.

Thanks RJ, no pre decimals but still some great relics. :)
Ramjet said:
Did you work out the text on the padlock? Maybe you could post some of your earlier finds as well.We all love seeing those silvers. :D
The coins are:
1910 sixpence
1954 florin, my oldest is 47
1867 italian coin
Interesting finds with the Scanlens sweets plaque. They used to sell trading cards in wax wrappers, enclosed with a stick of chewing gum (footy, star wars, indiana jones etc), although this advert is probably precedes trading cards by a fair few decades.

Also liking your video clips. You look like a good role model for other young people taking up the hobby, going by the way you take care of your finds (water bottle to clean off the dirt), the careful recovery of the actual targets, and a good attitude. Keep it up, looking forward to seeing more finds, all in good time though. :)
Goldpick said:
Interesting finds with the Scanlens sweets plaque. They used to sell trading cards in wax wrappers, enclosed with a stick of chewing gum (footy, star wars, indiana jones etc), although this advert is probably precedes trading cards by a fair few decades.

Also liking your video clips. You look like a good role model for other young people taking up the hobby, going by the way you take care of your finds (water bottle to clean off the dirt), the careful recovery of the actual targets, and a good attitude. Keep it up, looking forward to seeing more finds, all in good time though. :)
Thanks GP, i have reaserched it but couldnt find anything :( . Thanks for watching my vids on youtube! im hopeing to get out tommorow and find some more great coins and repics. :D
rocketaroo said:
Great to meet you today Jacob, shame the park was a bust, but you got some cool relics :)
It was great to meet you too today greg, did you work out what your ring was made of? I think Rod did the best today with all the pennies and the 1925 florin on the drive home. :)
LonelySilver said:
rocketaroo said:
Great to meet you today Jacob, shame the park was a bust, but you got some cool relics :)
It was great to meet you too today greg, did you work out what your ring was made of? I think Rod
did the best today with all the pennies and the 1925 florin on the drive home. :)

Its. 935 Israel Silver, so pretty happy, I posted my finds :)