Hey old fred, not a lot to chase gold wise on the YP (no ones really looked on the surface), but here is a link that might give you an option.
Otherwise here's an interesting story that your mother in law might be able to give you directions to. When i was working at the local supermarket a guy called Robert Cadd, who runs Warooka Minlaton Transport (originally Cadd transport), used to pick up our recycled bales of cardboard. During one of his trips we had a conversation about gold detecting, anyway he told me about a bloke that used to grow turkeys for sale somewhere between minlaton and yorketown. Robert says that when the bloke used to process the turkeys he sometimes found little nuggets in the gizzards, now Robert is an honest true blue bloke and i am certain that this story is legit. The only question i would have is, did he grow the turkeys from scratch or did he buy them in as pullets (or whatever a young chick is called), if he grew them from scratch then one has to determine there is gold in the paddock that the turkeys ranged on. I was always going to follow this up, but haven't at this stage, maybe your mother in law might know where this turkey farm used to be located. Or you could pop in to see Robert at the minlaton depot and tell him Reg sent you for directions (mud map) to the old turkey farm, he's an easy going bloke and would readily give you the info.
Cheers ss.