Xterra 705 finds

Prospecting Australia

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Got home from work today and had a swing in the Silver Sand pit to destress after work. ...Set the terra to the new settings for trashy ground......Swung for 1and a half hours over ground that i had repeatedly worked for the last 8weeks....This area is 20mtrs x 20mtrs.....I dug 8 targets...3 were aluminium off cuts...and 1 was a 10c piece 2x $2 coins and 2 threepences ...Really happy with this setting for extremely trashy ground :Y:
will post cleand thrippies layer...Their in the LJ.. :lol: :D
B5MECH said:
There will still B4 more there Smokey ;)
:cool: :cool: x2 :Y: and :cool: :cool: x2 $2, geez you must lose some goldies at home :lol: :lol:
Not my goldies mate ...we only been here 6 months..Apparently they used to hold horse riding events here :lol: :lol:
Danny13 said:
I reckon get a little digger in there and start peeling back layers of dirt . The sandpit could be meters deep smoky :p
All the coins have come from a layer of black hard land fill...that sits under the sand pit....Its full of aluminium window frame off cuts..and pot rivet ends :mad: :mad: .must of come from an old factory somewhere :Y:
Wally69 said:
Nice :cool:

Just like hitting a virgin goldfields patch...plenty of joyous moments mixed in with some modern treasure :p :p
Yer Wally seems to be a bit of everything coming out :lol: :Y:
Got out thismorning before the sun came up and gave the local skate park ago...I dont usually bend over for anything under 50c..lol {) {) But there wasn't much there except 20c pieces...And i had to dig something..Got this for 2hrs digging...minus the junk...it went in the bin before i left...Not the best mornings detect...but still fun :Y:

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