The other day I sat down for morning tea and heard a knock at the other end of the house, didn't think anything of it until I went out to the toilet. To my surprise I see a little bird on the ground and not moving. I picked it up and it's alive but not moving so I gave it a drink of water and took it to the side of the house where the sun was shining to get the little fella warmed up because it was more than 40 minutes since the bang that I heard earlier. Ten minutes later I have a look and it's moving about and five minutes after that it is gone, so I was happy that it didn't die. The bird mustn't of seen the house being built so fast and just goes to show that the animals and birds need to be Careful as well around work sites...........:lol:
Anyone know the name of this little bird?
Cheers, Uncle Bob.
PS the glass Window behind is where the bird flew into. 8)