White Island Volcano trajedy

Prospecting Australia

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Not a one of us ever ever expect that a volcano will be the thing to whisk us away to the never after.
:fire: :(
You could see the ones on that big sloping rock, with the ones in the boat said to be the lucky ones. But, living life on the edge would have its inherent dangers even for the rich, or the poor who can afford to travel. The main thing being that you live your life to the fullest availability to yourself right up to the very end.
Even if your not in the best of health. :Y:
I think that's old footage just to press a point and show what they do over there. :argh:
That was pyroclastic flowcoming over the edge of the top.
That's hot stuff and would have flowed out over the water floating on a bed of steam where it contacted with the ocean.

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