Here goes. Brought a second hand phone a few months ago as Telstra werent really giving them away anymore and I wanted to stick to the same platform and layout Id been using.
The last one clogged with lots of sticky overspray and sanding dust where noone could hear me (great to ignore the family but difficult to ring Sportsbet or clients). It was a work phone, then after one too many skids over the floor it broke the screen.
It was usuable but its like a mini laptop and would be lost without one.
The replacement one came in mint condtion with at a very inexpensive price, and like an old dog learning a new trick Ive babied it, putting it in the work bag during work, cleaning it, protective cover etc, and its been great.
Until 10 minutes ago, supervisor rang and went to swipe to answer, falls from my hand and tumbles ito the rocks on the driveway, now rendering the screen looking like a drive-by window.
So in rank order my whinge is Telstra, calls after work hours, sh!t phone screens, and wasting my time looking after a work tool that only wished for suicide in spite of my love and attention.
Im off to watch the footy and have a strong beverage or 2.