Philip & Sandra Box
WHINGE! Correct English usage and diction; the kind of English that would be spoken at the court of the English king/Queen: “With their mixture of jargon and slang, sportscasters, news readers, public are constantly murdering the King's/Queens English.” ***Should "of" instead of should "have." "Cool" whether it be hot, cold, happy, excited etc etc.
Peter, I guess we just have to go with the flow because we've lost our chance to have much influience on it. One of the things that bug me is the writing without capital letters. Some people old enough to know the difference will even write their own name in all lower case, just look at their online names . My english writing skills were just about Zip until computers came along so I don't have a lot of reason to complain. My first computer was an Amstrad with a 5" 360kb floppy disk and a whopping big 20mb hard disk and just a flashing curser on the screen. With my level of spelling skills it kept repeating "Bad command or file name" until I was forced to learn to spell some basic words. Now I'm married to an ex-school teacher with excellent editing skills so all the whinging is done for me....