Woomera is the obvious spot.
Nobody is aloud in there anyway.
Much of Woomera can be driven through (you go through it when you drive to Coober Pedy) and four wheel drivers can get a permit through the Maralinga section (atom bomb sites) where small fenced off areas tell you not to enter past the fence. However there is no compelling reason why it need go there,
"There are now stone monuments at the ground-zero points, which can be visited by tourists (with the written approval of the RAAF Woomera Test Range who now control access to the area), though the location is still extremely remote (see
Anne Beadell Highway). Evidence of the explosions may still be seen at ground-zero in the form of
vitrified sand and concentric blast rings"
They will have time to argue about it - it will be 33 years before the first of the used sub fuel must be disposed of. I think each sub uses around 200 kg of uranium over that time, varying with the level of enrichment (miniscule in total compared with one nuclear reactor, which uses about 800 tonnes over the same time period ), I suspect we will have other nuclear reactors by then. We already have one - Lucas Heights - that uses about 25 tonnes per year, or 825 tonnes over the same time period. Its waste does not vaporize conveniently, it and its products are temporarily stored in around 100 sites around Australia because no one will bite the bullet and make a decision on a site. So it is not a case of the subs creating a new disposal problem, they add a trivial amount to our existing reactor waste. Storing them in lots of places as we do is risky - storing at a single site in a remote part of any desert state carries negligible risk. Even our past waste is returned to us by the UK. Nuclear waste dumps only need to be tiny.
We need sensible discussion of the engineering and science - so much media hype is driven by ignorance, and it is a bit beyond the realm of politicians to be expected to understand - most have no basic science background.
As for WA saying "no way", guess which was the other state where we did atom bomb testing?