well yer see I trid to do that...off the cuf like when Ken said we were talkin abowt homonyms. we don't talk about homonyms here see cause it's a famly forin. So I thawt ide come up wiv a little pro's about homonose bulls cause I thawt thats wat he waz torkin about!..n I thawt it's all bulldust this post cept for some werds wat sownd the same but there difrunt if yer talkin abowt somthin els but yer mean tha othewr tihng!..you nko...homosims :lol: but wee carnt talk abowt them....so anyhow some1 can make a poem up but not me caws I'm over it now n Im gonna right sompin about wats write n corse I dont wanna git meself inta a whole wat I carnt dig me self outa..n their'll be a sheet fight over it. :Y:
aah....oh yeahh..I'le see yers at tha digguns.