Where is Casper - our spelling and grammar Nazi

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well yer see I trid to do that...off the cuf like when Ken said we were talkin abowt homonyms. we don't talk about homonyms here see cause it's a famly forin. So I thawt ide come up wiv a little pro's about homonose bulls cause I thawt thats wat he waz torkin about!..n I thawt it's all bulldust this post cept for some werds wat sownd the same but there difrunt if yer talkin abowt somthin els but yer mean tha othewr tihng!..you nko...homosims :lol: but wee carnt talk abowt them....so anyhow some1 can make a poem up but not me caws I'm over it now n Im gonna right sompin about wats write n corse I dont wanna git meself inta a whole wat I carnt dig me self outa..n their'll be a sheet fight over it. :Y: :cool: aah....oh yeahh..I'le see yers at tha digguns.
Reminds me of the time I was living in Utsumomiya Japan teaching English.
One of the other teachers went home to Alabama for a four week vacation and asked me to cover his classes for the month he would be away..
I joked that he should pay me extra to correct his students pronunciation, he having such a broad southern accent ..
Must not have gone down well, as the first lesson with a class of new begginers , I thought I would go over what they had learned in the last few weeks before he had left..
We were using a basic English language book that focused on simple phrases such as time, days of the week and asking answering questions related to every day conversation that a Japanese tourest might need when visiting an English speaking country.
What time is it , where is something , how much etc
Working from the text book I begain by asking them to practicing asking for directions etc what time is the next train became...
What time is Choo Choo or. Where is the washroom .. Turned in to ..Where potti
The mongral had spend his time teaching the class baby talk. :eek:
I spent the next 4 weeks never knowing when I was going to burst out laughing and or just stand there shaking my head at what he had done to both my self and the class of Japanse house wives and middle aged businessmen.. i knew what he had done , they never had a clue why I was teaching them different or new words.. :(
Hey FP, I don't know who's his gandmar, but he always used to pick us up on our spelling and our grammar.
Just haven't heard from him in some time.
Sounds like you have a momophone challenge.
Are you up to it?
Ahh I see, well Casper may be watching, hmmm.
Yeah I'm going to have a go at a 'momo' thingy, so far I've got there, their and they're sorted. :p

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