What's your 'almost in the POO POO' story?

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I was nearly murdered on one occasion due to my partner at the time deciding she wanted revenge for some crap in her fkkd up toxic mind.

I went to pick her up from a farm she was working at , I sat down at a backyard table where she was waiting , her face looked very pale and she looked a bit stressed.

I turned around and her Iraqi boss (ex Iraqi army) was standing behind me with a very stern look on his face , he was looking at her with his eyebrows raised , she looked at me and said no and shook her head. He had his left hand behind his back at that moment.

I had chills up the back of my neck and I stood up and moved with my back to the wall .

I think she had been playing with his head to get attention , probably accusing me of bashing her or treating her bad and asked him to kill me but she chickened out at the last minute when he offered to do it in front of her.

Her son told me later that he saw his mum jumping up and down on the bed with that guy and the guy then gave mummy $400

There is more story to tell in that turmultuous relationship but suffice to say out of all the relationshits I had I have learnt to never trust Laotian or Thai women again.
Gotta agree with Big Wave.
Have helped many out of the surf while out on the board.

Have had a few poo poo moments, however the one that stands out was not me in trouble.

I was at the easter show in sydney a few years ago and in the grandstand watching the rodeo.
A kid about ten was sitting on the brick railing and we were at the top of the stand.
I said to the wife, lets keep our eyes on the kid as he was barely balanced.
10 minutes later he started to go so sprang from my seat and managed to grab a handful of hair.
That was all that was between him and 40 metre drop.
Lucky little bugger. His dad and I became good friends and still catch up every now and then.
Nugget and HeadsUp..........holy crap!

Ok I have another one,

A mate, Andrew and I used to go free diving for crayfish/rock lobster around South West Rocks/Hat Head. We would scour crevices and holes that sometimes Wobbegong were holed up in, either with our hands or probe sticks. I was given a chain glove from a friend that worked at a meatworks. It was longer than a cuffed butchers glove, it would actually harness up to your shoulder. I felt somewhat at ease putting it up holes to grab the crays. Every now and then a Wobbegong would let me know I was not welcome, they are fairly passive but they can, of course, bite out of defence.

I also carried a bang stick/powerhead just in case.

One day we were out working on the ocean side of a rock only just offshore. We had got a couple of lobsters each and decided to do some spearfishing, if you sat right up on the edge of the rock you could sometimes surprise a small passing Kingfish or Spaniard. I was always cautious especially if you are spearing really bloody fish like Blackfish and Mackerel or various Tuna, always looking over my shoulder etc worried some nasty Noah might get a whiff.

The drop off from the oceanside of the rock was pretty fast and it went down fairly deep. We had been in the water a while and Andrew had bagged a small Kingfish,
I suddenly got a feeling of dread and looked down below us to see a massive dark shape, I panicked when I realised it was the biggest Tiger shark I had ever seen casually cruising doing figure 8's it was probably close to 5m and I have no idea how long it was there.

It was a very long time before I ever went spearfishing again! I highly doubt I'd get back in the water these days.
Got caught in a rip at Berri Bay Yorke Peninsula once. My kids had a boogy boards I was body surfing, again dumb. If it hadn't been for my son seeing me I would not be here now, he saved me on the 2nd time bobbing up from going down.
There are a few more. Lucky to be alive at my age.
Age and experience.
7.62marksman said:
yes some just dont want to get involved if there is a chance that things go wrong and then people start to point the finger and throwing the blame around
i have been at car crashes where people just stood back and watched for fear of doing something wrong and then getting sued because of it
its a sad world we have created when things like that happen and people stand back and watch

I once carried a woman from a car that had been involved in a massive head-on car crash in the middle of a busy road during peak-hour. I had seen the whole thing happen. Her car ended up on the wrong side of the road facing 120 degrees, blocking traffic, and there was smoke billowing out of the engine bay. Bystanders were looking at the car, with one or two half-heartedly trying to open the driver's door, which was a bit crumpled.

I yanked open the door, and the woman was reaching out to me, so I scooped her up (remember, smoke was billowing out of the engine bay at this point) and as carefully as I could carried her to the footpath, and laid her down on someone's jacket.

A few minutes later, an ambulance turned up and the paramedic demanded to know who moved her, with all fingers pointing towards me. The paramedic proceeded to tell me (using the word "mate" in a sarcastic, sardonic tone about 59 too many times) how I had no right to do what I did, that I might be sued, that I could have broken her neck, etc etc. She really (and loudly) drilled the point in that she wouldn't be surprised if legal action would result if the woman had any spinal injuries.

The fact that smoke was pouring out from the engine bay was apparently not enough of a reason to take the risk of moving her away from the car, and off the road to relative safety (the car nearly got hit a dozen times by people driving past who were obviously looking at their phones or something).

Turns out that the smoke was from an electrical fire which luckily burned itself out before getting anywhere near anything really flammable. I've seen first-hand, cars go up in flames after car accidents.

I won't repeat here what my response to the paramedic was :8
Yes 7.62marksman and nuggetbuster it is a real pity that people these days are to scared about getting sued to help in most cases. There are the exceptions. I for one applaud both of you for doing what you did. &.62 your motivation was it was your daughter and that is enough . Glad it worked out. nugget buster you did what I would have done. Your a hero mate. I am just glad I was not there to hear that stupid boofhead of a paramedic. I can tell you that my words to her would most likely have landed me in a cell for that night.
Well it's been about a week and having read all of the "Oh POO' moments (and I've had to change my underwear just reading them) the most popular entry was Tathradj. I'm sure that he's happy to just be here to tell us about it.

Onya mate!

I actually have won something for once. :D :D :Y:
I will wait a bit longer to see if there are any more pooism stories. ?
Will be framed and hung on the wall at my workshop. :Y: :Y:

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