hi all i thorght i would post some of the dangers of exploreing old non active mines 1.never go alone in a tunnel or down a shaft always have at least 1 other person with you or near by if going down a shaft AND ALWAYS LET SOMEONE KNOW WHEN YOU ARE COMEING HOME OR BACK HAVE A SET TIME 2. When walking into a tunnel always look on the floor for shafts or stoped out parts along the tunnel floor sometimes the whole floor of the tunnel can be just old wooden boards that are coverd by dirt and with out knowing you may walk over the top of these false floors and fall several meters if in dout always get a small scoop and remove the top layer of dirt on the floor of the tunnel if you find rock under it it means its ok to walk on but if its wood it can be unsafe to continue walking on it test the floor every 1 to 2 meters as you walk unless you can see solid rock in the floor. 3. When going down a shaft get a big old sheet or blanket and tie it to the end of your rope and pull it up and down in the shaft for 5 to 15mins to displace any bad air and gas before going down hower if you have a gas detector you wont need to do this. For tunnels do the same but with a unbrella if there is no vent shafts. 4. If you find a water filled tunnel and the water is higher than say anke high drain it first do NOT WADE IN WATER KNEE OR WASTE HIGH it can be deadly because of the carbon gas and rotting wood under or in the water again do step 3. After draining the water 5. Never go past a rock fall from the roof even if you can see it gos on past it because the ground is most likely a fault zone and still unstable the old miners only put in wood props to give them some warning if pressure was on the props to get out before a cave in not to surport the roof at all. 6. Always take 3 torchers with you and a head torch so you can have your hands free incase of any unexpected things that may happen .7 wear a mask for dust a lot of miners died from dust in their lungs a painful way to die and slow.8. If you see frogs and womats snakes fruit bats and other animals in the mine do not corner them as they will try and bite/run at you they will be as scared of you as you are of them but if you do find animals in the mines it means the air is good and safe from bad air and gas. 9. Always keep a first aid kit close to you .10. Never dig into a quartz reef in the roof of a tunnel as you could bring down a rock biger than you when i take reef samples i take them out of the floor or near the base of the walls with a hammer and chizzel/steel stake never the rof ever if you can see gold its not worth it. 11. When inspecting quartz in the old slag head/waste rock look out for old cynide pits in the ground near mine sites they look like water pits DO NOT DRINK WASH OR HANG OVER THESE PITS FOR A LOOK. 12. If your panning down stream from a big mine waste dump expect to find mercury actached to your gold DO NOT TAKE IT OUT OF THE WATER it will start vaporizeing into a gas form and is deadly if breathed in as a gas form .13. When detecting around deep shafts never go right to the edge of the shafts as they could be under cut or crumbly without you knowing it.14 enjoy your adventures and stay safe and use common sence and wear a hard hat and goggles gloves when smashing quartz regards hunting the yellow