Hi, if your just starting out prospecting this information will be of help to you. Yes it was written back in 1894, but the principles are still the same only time changes. If you are just starting off then I would recommend you download the full copy of this journal. For the more experienced prospector, when reading these types of journals the point that jumps out is the way in which the old timers work. They had to build dams to get a head of water to drive there equipment. They had dig races to take the water to their work area. They had to cut timber for the sluice boxes, long toms and much more. Us well we got our small pumps no need for dams, lay flat hose no need to dig races & our bankers/sluices are pre-set on legs. So I would say the modern day prospector, with the gear we use dose less damage to the environment than what the old boys did. If you read these types of journals right you will not be disappointed. cheers
http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/244331 The gold digger's guide, or, Practical mining made easy / by H.V. Rogers.
http://handle.slv.vic.gov.au/10381/244331 The gold digger's guide, or, Practical mining made easy / by H.V. Rogers.