What myths did you grow up with?

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My uncle had a giant snake in his shed that can swallow a large child in a flash. It was to stop his nephews from going in there, but we tried many ways to see it instead. :D
Not a bad idea. Kids and things like grinders or cut off saws dont mix. I told my kids there was a big croc living in one of our dams. Better they believed that than play around them. Very slippery steep sides and cold water.
Bunyips was the one that I had when we visited Grandfathers farm, they (the bunyips) lived in the dams and could move from one to another dam without being seen and if one got hold of you there was very little chance of getting away, it kept me away from the dams and creeks for many years, was not even keen on having a bath there either.
just read this. Good idea.
Grew up where carting water was a daily occurrence, typically with a trailer full of 44 gallon drums (200 litre drums for you youngun’s). Thunder was always attributed to the “bloke upstairs” moving drums around.
One of my young fellas just reminded me that when he was young I told him, " there is a special fund we can access to have his foreskin removed."
Made me laugh, cause I couldn't remember saying it, but it is something I would say in humor.
Yes Dam it you are right and another one from my Mum was “ Son you should always walk on the kerbside of the road when with a lady” , yep you guessed it, incase i got hit by a bus.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😜😜
That my parents loved me.. but you probably meant something different. 😉