Hi guys need a little help on this one i picked up a while ago, originally thought it was just an unusall rock (was a shiny smooth light rusty brown color on the exterior) then I discovered it was metal like mineral inside when i cut a small piece off.
What i know -
Strong magnetic attraction
Black exterior (after it was washed)
Silver/gray interior with what looks like small holes full of red stuff
Streak - Rust Red
SG - 3.77
Very low thermal conductivity (can hold on belt sander with bare hands, and it only get "warm" to mildly hot, not burning hot like one would expect from a metal)
Has the streak of hermitite with the magnetic priorities of iron but the specific gravity of a..meteorite...im stumped?
What i know -
Strong magnetic attraction
Black exterior (after it was washed)
Silver/gray interior with what looks like small holes full of red stuff
Streak - Rust Red
SG - 3.77
Very low thermal conductivity (can hold on belt sander with bare hands, and it only get "warm" to mildly hot, not burning hot like one would expect from a metal)
Has the streak of hermitite with the magnetic priorities of iron but the specific gravity of a..meteorite...im stumped?