Last time I went to the UK, I came to an arrangement with the local publican to put a 6 pack of Heineken in the chiller for when I came in to get a drink at the bar.
Why, bottled beer was ordinarily kept unrefrigerated on the shelf.
A few years before that I was on the London Nottingham intercity train, went to the club car (snacks n drinks) I saw cans of Fosters on a shelf behind the bar in summer time. The only thing that was cold was the ice bucket and there was no refrigeration. I ended up getting 2 plastic cups of ice, pouring the beer over it. The balancing act was to get the beer cold enough to drink before the ice melted watering it down.
However, to answer the original point, most barkeeps in Oz say 2 C is the ideal temp, (I have worked a bar

) but sometimes difficult to control depending on the weather.