joao garimpeiro
Joo Novaes Neto
I'm prospector for more than 15 years and is the best job in the world for me! I love metal detector, love being in the bush, peace, gold, streams, that is priceless!
Jaros said:I grew up in Noble Park, near Dandenong. We had a creek running in front of the house 1301 Princess Hwy. Noble Park. It's where Heatherton Rd. cuts the highway. It has been lost to the freeway system now. I also like the bush, the creek had eels, little fish, frogs snakes there, all of the normal things you get in a stream. I made bows and arrows , fishing rods, kites, billy carts, (we had a great street Ryder St. running downhill beside us.)
I was always in the creek doing something, building rafts etc. It seemed to all that i loved the outside life. I did, i loved it.
When I was 18 and went on my 1st fossicking trip to Walhalla in Gippsland and got the bug. I don't have to find gold to love fossicking. It's just being out there in the wilderness enjoying the smells of the bush and campfire cooking and noises of bird whistling in the trees. I was in the Gould League of Bird Lovers at primary school and learned a lot about Australian bird life and habits.
I love the bush my dog loves the bush and my wife loves me loving all of this at the same time.
A bit of Gold helps a little, it's the peace i love the most.