I trust your good lady will get through it in short order, Manpa. All the best to you both.Well here we are after two long years, four Covid vaccinations and two weeks out from Xmas and it’s hit the missus hard, f….kin Covid.
I trust your good lady will get through it in short order, Manpa. All the best to you both.Well here we are after two long years, four Covid vaccinations and two weeks out from Xmas and it’s hit the missus hard, f….kin Covid.
I hope so too mate, it has knocked her, all the Parkinson’s tremors and breathing difficulties normally under control with the neuro stimulator are all quite bad, cannot sit still, arms and legs flailing, it’s a bit concerning. Been on to the GP, straight on to anti virals today in the hope of curbing this quickly, fingers crossed.I trust your good lady will get through it in short order, Manpa. All the best to you both.
Sounds bad - I wish her wellI hope so too mate, it has knocked her, all the Parkinson’s tremors and breathing difficulties normally under control with the neuro stimulator are all quite bad, cannot sit still, arms and legs flailing, it’s a bit concerning. Been on to the GP, straight on to anti virals today in the hope of curbing this quickly, fingers crossed.
Sorry to hear that Manpa, Prayers coming your way I hope she makes a speedy recovery,Well here we are after two long years, four Covid vaccinations and two weeks out from Xmas and it’s hit the missus hard, f….kin Covid.
Thanks for that. Didn’t take the alchohol package, but I think if I had, things may have been a bit “untidy”.Welcome home Hawkear best wishes for a speedy recovery and enjoyable Christmas. Doubt I'd enjoy the view from your window on the ship for too longmight explain why sailors have been known to get on the turps.
I'd double-like this if I could! It's 100% true and been proven time and again.Best Wishes for a speedy recovery to you both. I still believe that ships are just floating incubators for covid and other nasties. Mask Up . Mackka
Sadly true. We had a cruise just prior to covid and enjoyed it, but it was probably our last.I'd double-like this if I could! It's 100% true and been proven time and again.
Got home from our New Zealand cruise yesterday. Took bad weather all the way around the North and South Islands and out at sea with us. Good view from our cabin window attached.
To top it all off we have now both tested positive to COVID. Xmas plans out the window now.
Although Gina had a stem cell transplant 8 years ago, and is still in complete remission of bone marrow cancer, will still have to watch her closely.
Posted a bit of a chuckle about the mozzies, March flies and spiders prospectors were having to put up with in the gold fields before we were to head off on our relaxing cruise, but I guess the joke’s on us now.
These are the updated conditions (which include just over 50 plus 2 conditions). I don't know if doctors have any leeway (they give the prescriptions) for a carer of someone with severe conditions.Not old enough and don’t have any of the existing condition requirements Maccka, because of Lorraine’s conditions she was eligible. Not sure if it’s covered by the PBS but the full price on the box is a bit frightening.