Want to say thanks

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Jan 21, 2014
Reaction score
Tuena, NSW
Want to say thanks to all the great members on here, it's not very often you get to become a member of a group that one can be so proud of,now there is only a couple of members that I have actually meet in person but there isn't anyone that I could say I wouldn't sit down with and share a beer, a laugh or a creek side with.
People hiding treasure for members to find, others willing to take a new guy panning or detecting, letting another in on the secrets of how they find gold in the most tried and tested ways, telling people where they are trying to finding gold with good results and to go to the same area or a complete stranger saying that they will travel to help someone find something for someone that they have never met for no reason other than it is a nice thing to do for others.
I have to say I am pretty proud I am a member of PA, keep up the great work guys
I wholeheartedly agree with you jamie. I know i'm proud to be a member of a forum where for the most part everyone is only too willing to share and not be judgmental.
I mentioned early on when I first joined here about how I was a member of a fossicking club which held monthly meetings . Even though you were able to physically catch up and share info and witness peoples finds , I didnt find it half as enjoyable or informative as PA. They are often dominated by experienced fossickers who seem to just go there to gloat rather than share and teach others.

Ive learnt more here in less than a year then I did in that club for over 5 . So yes Jamie I can share your thanks to all the people here helping others , ill eventually get to some outings and meet and thank everyone personally :)
jamie said:
lol ramjet, rocket has found pre decs. tho hasnt he? makes him better than me so far lol

Yes Rocket is actually pretty good at it... For a swinelab owner. ;) He has 2 gold rings to my Zero! Good at research too which helps us both.
Interesting to compare yourself to another detectorist. We have different approaches to it. He moves slower and covers the area more completely than I do. I usually get more finds but I seem to swing and work faster than Rocket. Shrug. We certainly learn from each other, it is not a one way street.

His finds page.... https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=11427
i am a garret guy but i do have a minelab too, i have to say i was the type to move fast cover a lot of ground but now have a system that doesn't cover the same ground but sweep it a lot more carefully and thoroughly and i dont miss anything... i think lol
I own a Gerratt but I'm not brand loyal. My next detector will not be a Garrett. Best tool for the job is the way to go. Doesn't stop me ripping off Minelab though. :D

Low and slow is definitely the way to go. I have slowed down but it's hard to break a habit you have formed. I guess it means that when I upgrade to a CTXP Deus3030 I can go over ground I have "flogged" again and still find treasures.
I became a member a cuppla yrs ago and had resumed my long lost hobby of gold fossicking which i loved as a young man. Unfortunately i have had a series of operations on my spine , left knee, right wrist and a bunion removal on my right big toe which picked up a staph infection as well as osteomyalitis-12 mths later i am still recovering from the back and bunion ops.
Being a member and moderator has helped me a hell of a lot in that it has taken my mind off a lot of things and given me most importantly "something to do". I am kitting myself up with the hope of being out in the fields again within the next 6 mths-i hope.
Thanks everybody including Nugget and HarriL of course for letting this Forum exist.
Cheers Jaros :p
good plan Ramjet, doing old ground with a new bit of kit will be rewarding i would think, look at heatho for example, i have to say even tho i do love Garrett detectors if i can manage to save some money for a change the plan is to buy a.... wait for it.... a minelab lol i really have the heart set on a gpx5000.

Jaros, i saw in a post before that you were in recovery at the moment but didnt know what from, rough go mate, just keep your chin up and you will be back on the creek in no time and with all the extra learning and research you would be doing at the moment you will be dragging in the ounces like the old timers before us
I'm still deciding, (and saving), between the CTX 3030 with all it's high techy stuff and the XP deus with it's fast recovery which will suit my detecting style. Not to say the XP isn't high tech because it clearly is miles ahead in some areas.
We certainly are a virtual sociable lot, that's for sure,... I'm certainly liking the adventure and learning side of secretly putting a little bit back(that's something I want to be great at as well),...salutations all round for a great bunch of like minded, gifted and intelegent individuals(one and all). :)
rocketaroo said:
Ramjet steals all my silver, and leaves me little more, than skanky bent pennies :( Then he calls me a bad detectorist!
Theres only the quick,... and the "those with bent pennies". :|

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