Wandering Dew weed help

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May 22, 2014
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Katazone, VIC
Ok..I've tryed glyphosulphate and roundup and it didn't break through the waxy leaf of this weed and now I'm starting to really struggle as it takes over thebproperty. One only option of control I've had is stamping in what I can into the greens bin for the council to pick up and it grows back by the time the bins empty.

I've been to a specialist and they introduced me to a chemical which didn't display what it was made of but works a treat. The crappy thing is it only comes in 5litre containers for farmers use and cost $680 a pop. Something I certainly cannot afford and there is no smaller bottle.

Does anyone have any advice on controlling this hellish weed..please..

I covered it in salt as it was suggested on the web but it still did nothing but probably ruin my soil
bundyjd said:
Have you tried Fluroxypyr (Starane)?
Nope, cheers, ill look it up bundyjd and give anything a try. Its gotten to the point whrre I don't care what sort of chem I used, it needs to go, even if my dog has to stay with mum for a couple of weeks so she doesnt get sick
Takes multiple applications and 6 plus months to die off, also needs a good couple of days after spraying with no rain or excessive dew to take effect, stomp it down and bruise the leaves before application will also help. :D
Excellent replies everyone. At least have now have some more options to try. A mega steamer sounds fun, ill try out the detergent.

Stomping it down and covering with carpets and corrugated iron has helped as well over the months contain it somewhat.

The last time I thought it was under control, the leaves shivelled up and the blank browned but then boosted right back as soon as the rain started.

My garden is extreemly wet with underground streams and an old creekbed under the clay. Orchards and forrest plants grow well here so I'm more open to try the natural weed control before too many harsh chems if I can.

Thanks again all.. ill see how I go!
I haven't heard of any totally effective "natural" ways of getting rid of big patches of Wandering Jew apart from patiently removing it by hand over a long period of time, and even then....

If you decide to go the herbicide route the one I mentioned is usually available on a popular auction website.
Whipper snippering can be effective also, but the offending weed needs to be sprayed soon after. Before the cut section has a chance to seal its self off and start repairing its self. I use a little detergent regardless now. Its a lot more effective.
I've got a rental property and the rotten stuff has grown over half the garden. The tenant stopped mowing the lawn and its just grown out of control. A few months ago i got my dingo mini digger in and ripped out most of it but a lot of the roots were still there and its grown back. Was planning on poisoning the roots but the wet weather set in and i got too busy to return. As she is moving out tomorrow i was wondering how to kill it, looks like this topic came at the right time.
Hi Art, In QLD we have the DPI not sure what it is in your state however I would talk to them or your local council first.One thing we need to be aware of is herbicide resistance which applies to alot of weeds. Using carpet and iron you get bare patches which weeds are first thing to grow back. I used a flame thrower(broken years ago) to control weeds as it also burns seeds, I am not sure if you can get them now. Which ever herbicide you use try to make sure there is no residue left in the soil (very hard to do) Using detergent in the herbicide of your choice is good because it slows down the drying which allows more time for absorption. Another thing is healthy weeds are easier to kill then sick weeds.Mate there are non chemical ways as well which maybe worth checking. Also some chemical are knock downs and some are killers. If you spray add a bit of food color so you can see where you have been. There are some good grasses that choke weeds out(so they say) I recommend talking to your local Authority for weeds and seeds. Best of luck I hope you get on top of it.

Cheers, DD

PS ******* I HATE WEEDS******** and some people say they are a plant growing in the wrong place.
Goldtarget said:
DD I was going to mention a butune wand burner myself. One of my favorite gardening toys. Bit pricey but does the job.

Yeh the one I had used kero and sound like a jet fully pumped up, you could but them off the shelf in rural towns 25 years ago I do not think they would sell them now. Good to know you can get a gas one now.

Cheers, DD
Ive heard about the steamers and boiling water, both seem a great alternative to chemicals. Or you could always try boiling water/steam to break/burn the waxy coating then try poison. Also, wandering due causes severe eczema in dogs and cats. They lay in it to keep cool and the stems/leaves break and the sap irritates the skin.


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