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May 26, 2018
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Went for a dig this frosty morning to try a new spot,
surprise, :eek: he beat me to it. Tingha.
Great photo, wont happen here Ballarat for a couple of months. Going to below 10 for next few days
He is just on his way to a better spot.
Just nosing around looking for a feed.
Unless you piss him off, He won't hurt you at all.
But for pete's sake, If you have time to see he
has a yellow belly, STAND STILL.

If he curls up at you even, Don't even move.
If he does that, He will forget who you are very
shortly and move on.

Move again and you are in trouble. Bloody Tiger Snakes. ]:D
I am pretty sure thats not a red belly black.

Danger Noodle as the cops call them

Not LOLing but after a spate of Motorbike accidents recently certain highway patrol dudes started calling them motorskittles
I thought he would be a red bellied black too. Has the different shading underneath.
What state are we talking? Certainly unusual to see one out of its in Vic.
Actually, A Red Belly can become very friendly when
they get used to you.
Single person though.
From Wiki-

The red-bellied black snake has a glossy black top body with a light-grey snout and brown mouth, [21] and a completely black tail. It lacks a well-defined neck, its head merges seamlessly into the body.[22] Its flanks are bright red or orange, fading to pink or dull red on the belly. All these scales have black margins.[4] Snakes from northern populations tend to have lighter, more cream or pink bellies. "

As I said on another post- Don't go thinking because it's winter that snakes aren't an issue. Sure, they're more dormant than in other seasons, but Aussie snakes don't hibernate they Brumate. which means on a nice warm or sunny day ANYTIME of the year they can become active and move around. A false sense of security is your worst enemy with snakes. I heard someone ask a snake handler once "Of all the Aussie snakes which one is the deadliest?"

His answer? "The one that bites you".


Copperhead- Killed at the bottom of the back step where my 9 & 5 yr old kids were playing.