Twisted individuals

Prospecting Australia

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I think I prefer forward thinking rather than twisted. There is nothing wrong with planning ahead.
DrDuck said:
Goldfreak said:
I get the impression while the authorities are preparing for disaster certain twisted individuals are salivating at the prospect of fresh alluvial being washed out of its hiding place ;)

I have to admit the thought did cross my mind!

There is a creek I like to visit when it floods because it's nice chunky gold... :) :Y:
Occasional_panner said:
What's twisted about that? Wait till the water goes down and come in and highbank, nothing strange at all.
Have got some good gold near washed out banks even in areas that where hammered by the old timers. Keep an eye out for light coulored newly exposed bed rock :Y:
It's good to see creeks in flood to see how they work and where the water slows down.
It's sometimes different to how you would imagine.
Take photos and go back to the same spot when the flow goes down.
Occasional_panner said:
It's good to see creeks in flood to see how they work and where the water slows down.
It's sometimes different to how you would imagine.
Take photos and go back to the same spot when the flow goes down.
Good point. Great opportunity.
And I got ..NO CHANCE!..Of getting anywhere near Tuena! Doug!...Mouth wiped of saliva!... :mad:
I agree with most though.. what great opportunity, pics, and more pics, I reckon..gonna try a quick trip to Oallen with the boss if I can talk her into it,! ]:D ...have a real know! 8) 8)
Goldfreak said:
I get the impression while the authorities are preparing for disaster certain twisted individuals are salivating at the prospect of fresh alluvial being washed out of its hiding place ;)

Unfortunately I'm having to do the preparation for disaster (SES) while thinking about the new gold deposits. Ken.