Turning gold into Jewellery

Prospecting Australia

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Jul 6, 2015
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Hey My Sister just sent me this picture (I think it was a subtle hint). but pretty cool present idea.
I put my nugs in a glass case with containers that make them look bigger LOL Always impresses the visitors. Haven't added to it for awhile so I might head out tomorrow and have a crack. :)
I've made the decision to not sell any more gold as I'd rather use it by learning jewellery and also using it in other projects / crafts. I don't like doing all the effort when my finds are turned into quad or more profit, I'd rather do that myself if I can. If it fails, I'll sell it to the local jeweller again

Does anyone know of anyone in Victoria or Australia that will make custom jewellery with gold that I have found? Is that a thing haha?

I'd like to have something made for my partner, most probably a ring with a nice stone. I think it's be nice and carry more meaning if I use gold that I have found myself. It seems like a nice idea if it's possible...

I'd like to find a nice gemstone that I could use also but that's something I'm still working on and will probably be a little harder...might have to just buy one as I really don't know where to start when it comes to finding gemstones, let alone quality gemstones.

Anyways any insights will be much appreciated.

it can be done, i am not sure of anyone down your way but just about any good jewellery maker should be able to use your gold
there was a guy on here (sorry dont remember your name) that had a pair of rings made with gold he had found, one for his partner and the other for himself, was really nice
Good idea PotOfGold, i'll be interested to hear if anybody on here can answer your question. I wouldn't mind designing something for my wife made from the gold i've found.
Any custom jeweller should be able to do it, will probably be expensive though as they know how to charge.

If you get stuck finding a nice gemstone hit Barney (Kingsolomon) here up for a list of stones he has available, he's got some real crackers for sale that are precision cut at reasonable prices.
I've seen photos of a large wide cross on a chain, from a Brazilian prospector, made of gold he found. Back in school classroom, it was art class, they taught us how to cast silver rings. You need a type of casting wax to cut and carve for a ring. The metal is melted in a kiln, wax ring carving packed in casting sand. A type of centrifuge spins the molten metal through a hole in the sand casting toward the wax carving, melts then replaces the wax. The casting sand is a jewelry grade type nice and fine for this work.
The other way was a clay slip poured around the wax ring and two attached wax rods,... left to harden, turned upside down and the wax melted out,.. then the melted gold amalgum (the Gold amalgamated with some other metal to make it hard or give it colour ) was poured into the mold an left to cool and harden,.... then the clay was chipped away to reveal the new ring, and it was then trimmed up and made shiney and bright. :D
Thanks for the replies.

I didn't even think of getting a pair done but that's even better.

I figured it would probably be expensive. The reason for wanting to use my own gold isn't to save money though so that's not a problem.

The way silver mentioned was the method I was most familiar with. I looked into it all a while a go but can't really remember much. All very interesting though. I'd love to be able to see the whole process too. So if I could find someone in Vic then maybe I can be be there and watch it get made...I'd love that opportunity.

And thanks for the tip Heatho, I will absolutely keep Barney in mind.
Go visit your nearest gem club and find out what day they are pouring,... sign on to have a go and learn by doing a short course, ... you will get taught everything first hand by watching then doing,... they may want you to jpin and pay a small fee each time you go, and they will charge you for resources like silver if you don't have your own,... eventually you will feel confident enough to make your own gold rings and be proud of your result,.. and we migjt get to see the photos on here as well. :p :D
That's actually a really good idea mate. I wasn't aware that the local gem clubs did stuff like that. I might have a bit off a Google and see what's in my area and shoot off a few emails...
My mum has a set of custom made earrings. They are silver in the shape of a flower but have subgram nuggets for the centre of the "flower".
Getting custom made jewellery done from your gold etc. would only be limited by your imagination, desired outlay for costs & skills of the custom jeweller.
Make sure you get someone you trust - have heard of stories where the items have been made from the jewellers stock gold & the nuggets/natural gold kept. If I was getting it done I'd want to be sure it really was done using my gold.
Thanks mate. And yeah that's kind of why I want to be present and see it all happen with my own two eyes also. They could easily just use any gold and there'd be no way for me to tell...
"The Digger", of this very forum is known to dabble in making jewelry from pieces of gold.

Or if you wish to do it yourself get in touch with, a very experienced prospector, Jim Foster.
Jim has written many stories over 30 years in the GG&T magazines, and can be found on most gold related, prospecting forums.

People working the WA goldfields may have seen Greg and Lynne Pedemonte with their jewellery workshop in the drop down section of their Jayco Base station. Greg is a manufacturing jeweller and goldsmith and does what you are enquiringly about. He usually resides at Tumby Bay in South Australia during the summer and then the WA goldfields caravan parks during the southern winter.
He can be contacted via his son Shane at "G Pedemonte Jewellers" in Port Lincoln. Easy to find on google.
However Any "manufacturing" jeweller should be able to do what you need; just make sure who ever you see does not act as middle man and pass on to faceless manufacturer.

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