Hi all . This is a bit of info for those who fossick at Tuena. I was there this weekend which was the start of the school holidays as everyone knows. On Monday I went down to the crossing of the Tuena Creek at Mt Costigan Rd the one that Runs off Peelwood Rd. When I got there someone had cut down two large trees which were dead, I was approached by the owner who is generous enough to let us on his property to camp and fossick . I have to say he was not impressed , There was a group of people who were the only ones camping there and it appeared that they were the ones who had cut down these trees, The owner I know as Wayne Had a dummy spit and said that he has had enough of the rubbish and unnecessary damage being caused to the property. He also complained about people and there dogs chasing the sheep one group of people with pig dogs were asked to leave, He was going to involve the Police in this matter. These people also went through a gate onto a property to access the river down stream, He was also not impressed with that and stated to me that the owner would also be unhappy about this. He said that he has no problem with people camping and fossicking ,there is a drum there to put rubbish in if you don't want to take it with you, Its not hard . Its hard enough as it is to get access to a property . I don't know the outcome of what occurred but I'm sure we will find out . On a finer note I got stuck on some bed rock trying to cross the creek on Sunday And Two fellow fossickers were kind enough to offer there help ,if there on the forum just like to say thanks again.
Regards Bing