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Todays hunt results.

Prospecting Australia

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Small hunt

1943 Thrippy

Toasty 1954 Shilling

Went back again to a spot that had given me silvers, and a mate or two a few as well..... dug the deeper scratchy signals, found more leadheads outlining the building.
And had a lovely local lady come and show me some old photo's of the two original buildings taken from her house about 60 years ago along with a complete rundown on the structures crafting and use. :D next time I go back I will dig all deep signals (not a great deal of signals left in the hot spot now) :p
Slipped out for a few hours at one of my favourite spots :p
The hunt results

that button... could be a word on the right side.

It's got a crown with a Maltese Cross

I've found a button before with a canon.... but this has 3 of them

But.... were all here for the silver right :D
1951 thrippy

And... a 1935 92.5% silver thrippy
(ain't she a beaut) :drooling:
Well found gda.... I enjoy finding an old button every now and then (specially if it's a surprise type) :Y:
RM Outback said:
Nice finds Silver :Y: the button is a ripper :perfect:
Nice yep.... also that makes 12 silvers for the year so far, but, we are in week 14 atm so I'm 2 coins down for being on par so far :eek:
silver said:
I can't find anything that shows that maltese cross above the crown.https://www.prospectingaustralia.com/forum/img/member-images/1953/1618796360_screenshot_2021-04-19-11-38-09.jpg
Goodday silver , you can see it right at the top
Maybe they are the same Dan, and I'm just imagining the Maltese Cross through the corrosion
Me Mum was busy..... So I slipped away for a Mothers Day hunt (I did give me Mum a nice big yellow paw paw and two lemons :D )

Got a nice little bent 1918M sixer

The bend eminated from the obverse under his chin.... maybe a target coin for a rounded type slug gun pellet.... was in under an old mango tree

Top shot hey.... probly from 50 yards too :D
Very nice hunt there Detrack.... gotta be ecstatic with that one !
:power: :cool: :Y:
silver said:
numpty said:
silver said:
Ahhh,... your a collector of sorts numpty, I only have the one handed down to me. :)

yeah sort of, I collect silly things sometimes, I cant help myself.......like a miniature 2mm pin fire single shot pistol made in about 1940-50, made out of silver, fits in a matchbox!, can where it on a necklace too haha
havta put up a picky of that one too numpty,... that'd be good to see. :)

just looking at old posts..... heres a picture silver, sorry it took soooo long :lol:

Nice that it has its own box too numpty.... looks great, and looks like great fun too :p
:power: :cool: :Y:

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