****The Photobucket photos in post 68 in 2016 are defunct so have revived post for new comers.****
Water is scarce in WA goldfields even more so now they have dismantled hundreds of windmills.
Here is another handy device for retrieving water from wells or bores if you get desperate.
It is a simple build;
(1)1 X metre of 90mm thin walled stormwater PVC
(2)Cut two flat PVC discs inside diameter of pipe, drill a series of holes near centre of the discs to allow water in.
(3)Cut a thin flat stainless steel/aluminium disc a couple of mm less than pipe inside diameter. Cut a rubber washer and glue it to disc.
(4)Press one of the PVC discs into end of pipe 25mm and then apply some PVC glue to fix it in place. Now fit the metal disc with rubber seal facing outside/end of pipe. (Don't glue this acts as a clacker valve) Lastly fit second PVC disc flush with end of pipe and glue.
Attach rope to top of pipe ensuring that when you lift it with the rope it remains vertical. Fit canvas shroud to prevent debris dropping into pipe when retrieving.
Length of rope.
Lower the pipe into the bore/well and when it reaches the water you will feel the rope go slack. Hold it at this point and when the pipe has filled you will feel the weight on the rope. Pull it up and up end the 5.5 litre of water into a bucket and repeat until you have required amount of water. (One lift is what is a daily recommended amount of water for one person)

****The Photobucket photos in post 68 in 2016 are defunct so have revived post for new comers.****
Water is scarce in WA goldfields even more so now they have dismantled hundreds of windmills.
Here is another handy device for retrieving water from wells or bores if you get desperate.
It is a simple build;
(1)1 X metre of 90mm thin walled stormwater PVC
(2)Cut two flat PVC discs inside diameter of pipe, drill a series of holes near centre of the discs to allow water in.
(3)Cut a thin flat stainless steel/aluminium disc a couple of mm less than pipe inside diameter. Cut a rubber washer and glue it to disc.
(4)Press one of the PVC discs into end of pipe 25mm and then apply some PVC glue to fix it in place. Now fit the metal disc with rubber seal facing outside/end of pipe. (Don't glue this acts as a clacker valve) Lastly fit second PVC disc flush with end of pipe and glue.
Attach rope to top of pipe ensuring that when you lift it with the rope it remains vertical. Fit canvas shroud to prevent debris dropping into pipe when retrieving.
Length of rope.
Lower the pipe into the bore/well and when it reaches the water you will feel the rope go slack. Hold it at this point and when the pipe has filled you will feel the weight on the rope. Pull it up and up end the 5.5 litre of water into a bucket and repeat until you have required amount of water. (One lift is what is a daily recommended amount of water for one person)