Was talking to a friend that I kind of don't know that well,
Got on to the subject of metal detecting,
He said he has 3 metal detectors,
My ear's picked up lol
What kind? Do you use them? Hahaha :lol:
He said he use to use them on the gold coast beaches,
He had me hook line and sinker,
Feeding off every word he was saying to me,
He then said he was thinking of selling one of them,
Of course I asked,
He said there was one still in a box ..unopened box
I went around there to day to have a look,
He had all ready told me that he thinks he paid about $250 for the one in the box and he would want at lease $50 bucks for it,
I tool a look at all 3 of them and told him that two of them are the same,
Both Aldi Adventure metal detector, one still in box,
The other one was a lot like the one that I all ready have,
He said oh I did not notice that bought two the same,
He sold me the one still in the box unopened for $50 bucks,
Could not get my wallet open quicker if I tried :lol:
It says it is waterproof on the box,
If it works on the beaches I will be very happy