Gem in I said:
2 x plane tickets to perth.

one for me one for the zed, ow wait the wife wants to go.
has anyone here had experiences/problems transporting their detectors on flights.
We flew to Hawaii a couple of years back. We had the Garrett ATX that folded up quite small and on the way to the airport we picked up a new SDC-2300. They both went into our baggage, batteries installed. xxxxxxxxxx Travel booked us on Qantas but when we got to Melbourne they reprinted our boarding passes on Jetstar for the Melbourne to Hawaii leg. Our baggage continued on with Qantas to who knows where.
There are no Qantas flights from Melbourne to Hawaii so that's the last time we'll use xxxxxxxxxxxxtravel. Even when I called them from Hawaii I was told that it was not their problem and I should call Qantas.
Our baggage with $8000 worth of detectors arrived four days latter after we called Alan Joyce, the CEO of Qantas :/