Woo-hoo! More goodies and projects.....These are my 2 old Garretts, the ADS Deepseeker came from Tibooburra-$100. The Groundhog Master Hunter ADS 1 I bought from WA. It came with the case, phones, belt clip and stem, 7 1/2"& 10 1/2"coils.-$150. I made the PVC armrest the other day.
The Bloodhound Depth multiplier and other goodies came from David Cooper at Treasure Enterprises. Like Phil at GMC he is finishing up, and there are new old stock bargains galore! So if you are a bit of a collector or a traditionalist, this may be your last chance to secure some increasingly rare items!!
Note the FREE slide tray, with 2 bases, 4 and 5 pin coil connectors. (Onya David!!)
His prices were bargain-basement cheap. Note the BH Tracker IV assembly-$50!!
Sand scoop was $15. Also got a couple of battery door screws.
I left my pinpointer on the bumper of the Pajero last trip out-so another arrived from our Chinese friends today.
Next week or so I will recieve a BH trackerIV, new-$160+postage, and a 4 inch coil for it. I paid $52- kicking myself- Radio shack 4 inch (6.6kHz also) on fleabay for $29.95+postage...Oh well...
The Bloodhound is 5 pin, 5kHz. It will work on the Deepseeker (early,4 pin), but not the Groundhog (15kHz), but I need to make up the adaptor from 5 pin to 4 pin. Easy-peasy.
