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The 'Battle Wagon' got its first taste of Vic Goldfields action yesterday. After attending the dawn service I took the family gold panning for the day to Ararat. We arrived to find the place still lacking in the water department but there was enough to pan in. The new bus handled the rougher parts of the track superbly as expected and its just great to be able to safely take the whole family out in a good vehicle.


I got to sample a few spots with little to show for my efforts but the missus came running over saying she had found something big and deep with the detector and she needed help to get it out...She had already dug 1 foot deep and after digging another 6 inches we pulled out an old rabbit trap :eek: The ground seemed un disturbed so it surprised me but she was wrapped and so was I....she tells me she may be hooked on it now :D :D
All in all it was a great day
Really great to hear you are enjoying the new wheels mate!!
Feels a bit strange to see her in someone else's photos ha ha but I am over the moon that she is getting put to good use!
Now there will be no stopping you getting over to the goldfields, especially if the missus has caught the "bug" :D

ha ha...yeah I bet its a bit weird Billy. She went extremely well if its any consolation and I even gave her a wash yesterday if that makes you feel better :D
Ha Ha all good I reckon that's great MJB! :D
Now to get it dirty again and she does go well, both on and off road.
Would have been a nice change for you to just throw everything in the back too.
Except the kids and missus of course! :D
Geez those kids look happy and contented with their lot.
Keep them in the outdoors m8 and will love it the rest of their lives.

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