The sad story of alienation of public land in Victoria

Prospecting Australia

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Jan 27, 2013
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Goulburn, NSW
"VEACs consultants also argue against mining and prospecting and claim that future mineral discoveries are well-nigh impossible. This view about minerals is remarkable since the Geological Survey of Victoria estimates that half the states gold is yet to be found, and the area has hosted much mineral production in the past. In relatively recent times, two major gold mines have been opened near the area one of which, Fosterville, actually has the second-richest gold concentrations of any mine in the world and is presently producing at over one billion dollars per annum. Moreover, entrepreneurs risking their own money take a different view to VEAC expenditure in the 42 exploration licenses current in the area is around $9 million a year. A recent discovery in the area of a nugget worth $160,000 by an amateur prospector is further evidence of the regions prospectivity. Uncovering any further hidden wealth would be foreclosed by reclassifying the land as National Park which VEAC have recommended.

So, we have a double whammy. First, policies are being pursued to banish commercial and much leisure-use activities that have proven to be perfectly compatible with forest conservation. Secondly, requiring the cessation of commercial forestry also means eliminating many of the roads, and thereby heavy machinery, essential to fight fires. It would be hard to devise a more destructive set of policies."
If they do the change, I see no reason for us to go back to Victoria, we go and stay at a Caravan Park, buy food and fuel for the period that we are there sometimes up to 1 month at a time, the areas we go to are because we may find some gold, it is the only reason that we travel the distance as there is so much land available to search, without the gold the areas are the same as we have in NSW and the only reason that I go near them is because it is sometimes necessary to go from our place to a town or place on the other side . Used to do a bit of driving on the fire trails in NSW, but then a lot of them got closed off, so now we do not bother to go near the National Parks or other similar areas. They seem to be all left to the trail bike riders now from what we have seen of late.

Hate to sound like my father but I know what he means when he says "You become old only when your ways are taken from you".

Free country comes with too mnany restrictions for my liking.

Just like me as a teen sitting with the old woodcutters and depression miners listening to their stories Ill soon be joining the old man explaining to his grandchildren how we used to have these wonderful places called State forests that we could do activities in, that made life a little more comfortable, and sometimes turn a dollar on.

.Sure theres some truly pristine expanses that should be preserved for all comers, but these nutters want the old State forests turned over! Ive watched my childhood backyard swallowed up by Historic overlays, and lockouts. The young of the communities surrounding it will never truly get to experience it. It was once meant for all.

The part that really sticks in in me is the management post lockout. Just a ticking tradegy waiting to happen. All the good intentions wont mean diddly when those fires that will come raging through wipe off part of the map. Hard not to get angry about.

Thanks for the share DrDuck
Yes DrDuck,
So true what you are saying, the Andrew's Government recent announcement about the phase out of Native Forest Timber Logging Industry is going to be the biggest change to allow the creation of New National Parks. Activities like Prospecting will be heavily excluded. I have been warning of this for 30 years. 8.(
The phase out of a whole industry thats been responsibly managed for decades is plain and simple irresponsibility. A decision made by city living people who have no idea of the bush and the way its been managed in the past. I for one dont agree with parliament and think its bad so should be phased out.

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