Old Fred...your on the $ there buddy...
With the defendants statement ie;... " Having stopped for a barbecue on June 4 last year, the men
entered a nearby mining pit, where they found the initial specimen protruding from the ground...." the location of the find as being accepted into evidence in a court...that it was protruding or not is where i'm still skeptical....
Now the WA Gov't are saying it wasn't mined, therefore the Gold belongs to the State...
Re;..."The ABC understands the prosecution argument to be that
because the gold had not been mined before it was stolen, it remains the property of the people of Western Australia, rather than the tenement holder.
This contrary to the Court accepted version of events... If it were in a "
mining pit', and should it have been protruding the surface..(one questions the lack of observation by the miners originally) then OBVIOUSLY it HAD been "mined' and as such, property of the Tenement holder....it was just sitting in a "stockpile' for "later processing'...
It's all speculative now as the Tenement holder is (mistakenly imo...) not going to pursue it's return. (Perhaps use this as a Tax write-down on profits maybe?)....
I also don't think the whole picture emerged in Court either....it may have been an accepted line of defense by the court, but i'm sure there are some details that didn't emerge...
The stooges got lucky to get away with a $5K fine imo.... shoulda had their detectors forfeited as well.
While the men were officially charged with defrauding tenement holder Evolution Mining by stealing the gold, prosecutors argued the gold, in fact, belonged to the Government.
Sooo...reasonable defense in an Appeal?....Should the case not have been brought by the State of WA against the defendants?... Theoretically, the stooges have been prosecuted for stealing from someone, that, which they did not own (the Gold)??? ]