I hadn't been out to the Palmer River for a swing for about a year and I was getting pretty niggly. I had decided to head out on the May Day weekend then out of the blue Simmo rang me and offered me his lease to camp in and try my luck. I was blown out by his generous offer. :Y: :Y: I tried a spot where the cairns group had camped and found a few bits on one of their trips. I have a 4500 with a 14" mono elite on it. I got to the spot where the other guys found theirs, turned the machine on and dropped the coil straight on top of the smallest piece. .22 gm at three inches deep. We moved to another spot the next day and I scored a .6 gm piece with the 2300 then the last day I was rewarded with a .9gm piece with the 4500 and a Deteck15x10 elliptical. I am stoked with the time out there. On our second afternoon there a lad came down to camp to show us an amazing find of his own. It was an honour just to hold that piece of history. Thanks again Simmo. :Y: