Chris Johnson
Hit another local park, not really noted for many decimal coins, most likely being an old house site judging by the amount of junk metal finds.
Picked up what looks to be a tablecloth weight, 1952 penny, an Italian 1958 20 Lire (used as a pendant??), and an old button mark "Our Own Make", most likely from WW1 soldiers clothing. I had previously been over the site with the Explorer and G2, so it's always interesting to see what you missed over subsequent visits, despite gridding up the same area several times.
Picked up what looks to be a tablecloth weight, 1952 penny, an Italian 1958 20 Lire (used as a pendant??), and an old button mark "Our Own Make", most likely from WW1 soldiers clothing. I had previously been over the site with the Explorer and G2, so it's always interesting to see what you missed over subsequent visits, despite gridding up the same area several times.