Strange rock, need your help to identify it.

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Nov 27, 2012
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On my last prospecting trip I found a few interesting rocks, one in particular caught my eye. It looks and feels a little like metal however it's non-magnetic and if I was to have a guess, I'd say it's not metal of any sort but I could be wrong though. It's probably around 3/4 the size of a 5 cent piece and has a decent weight to it compared to other rocks of similar size. I'll put it on the scales and post up some dimensions and weight shortly.

Any idea's? Also I found that cool little square rock, pitty it's only about 4mm thick.

Size = Approx 1cm across largest face, shortest face is around 8mm.
Weight = 1.89 grams



Simple. Alien artifacts Nugget. You should be able to tell by not being able to identify a thing on them 8)

What the hell have you found I'm intrigued. .

The ball seems to have a possible large crystal structure but a strange one.
AtomRat said:
Simple. Alien artifacts Nugget. You should be able to tell by not being able to identify a thing on them 8)

What the hell have you found I'm intrigued. .

Just as I suspected, case closed :lol:
If you wave a neodymium magnet over either of them move at all
I mean fast movements too.. make your hand blur type speed, as close to the object you can get

Sorry for any typos today... mozzies are making me perform some strange russian slap dance HUP!

The brown should suggest iron or oxidation of iron to forn those colors. Like rust it wouldn't be magnetic but the crystal form is interesting.

The flat rock looks sort of like a slate / mica but I'm just guessing
I felt like I have seen one of these somewhere so have just done so random google searches.....
First I was thinking magnatite but now I think it is what they call Boji stone. I saved a few images from google to show you :)
I am not a geologist so this is just a guess but have a look and see what you think!



One of the pages I was just reading about these claimed that Boji Stone is a trademark name and their correct name is Kanas Pop Rocks.

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