Stones I have cut

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Bit of a shame he wasn't bigger - 0.9 carat Rubyvale parti sapphire. No particular design, just winged it (within the performance envelopes for sapphire of course). Doesn't belong to me, have to hand it over today.



Wow - that would have been a nice stone to cut Lefty, can just imagine prepolishing the crown and looking through the kaleidoscope of colour with each index turn.
Cheers guys :Y:

I opted for a simple pavilion to try and prevent as much as possible the colours blending - the rough stone was fairly neatly divided half yellow, half deep blue. Couldn't keep them as seperate as much as originally intended but I like the effect anyway.

There's no brown in it - that's the reflection off the cover of the book that I used to prop up the camera :D

Got a few stones - garnet and amethyst - I might offer up shortly. Been a bit busy cutting people's sapphires to do much cutting of my own. But it's all good either way :)
Cheers Dihusky, I like the "coloured staircase" effect it created :D Yes, sometimes simple is what hits the spot. I've alsp come to appreciate that brighter is not necessarily better in every single instance as well.

A time and a place for everything. :perfect:
oi lefty its palmerston dont no if ya remember me but had the red and green stones was going to send ya to have a look at, couldnt find ya emails and my other account wont let me log in thought id let ya no talked to a geologist today and went through a few test as far as we could figure the red is almandine garnets the green is green or chrome tourmaline and the black and beer bottle brown stuff was spinel cheers
lucaswilliam said:
oi lefty its palmerston dont no if ya remember me but had the red and green stones was going to send ya to have a look at, couldnt find ya emails and my other account wont let me log in thought id let ya no talked to a geologist today and went through a few test as far as we could figure the red is almandine garnets the green is green or chrome tourmaline and the black and beer bottle brown stuff was spinel cheers
Hhhmm interesting read makes me think it's just plain green tourmaline , as apparently we don't get it here and by the sounds of it it's a very distinct shape I'll have to look tomoro but I don't think any of the large pieces have it but I know there is one or two pieces that have the shape of a dog tooth saphire weather that is way they r in not sure , sounds like only way I'll find out for sure is get a analytic test done at the uni
lucaswilliam said:
Hhhmm interesting read makes me think it's just plain green tourmaline , as apparently we don't get it here and by the sounds of it it's a very distinct shape I'll have to look tomoro but I don't think any of the large pieces have it but I know there is one or two pieces that have the shape of a dog tooth saphire weather that is way they r in not sure , sounds like only way I'll find out for sure is get a analytic test done at the uni

Love to get some off you and cut it, as I'm sure Lefty would as well. This might open a few more secrets and help to verify the material.

Emailed you last night.
lucaswilliam said:
oi lefty its palmerston dont no if ya remember me but had the red and green stones was going to send ya to have a look at, couldnt find ya emails and my other account wont let me log in thought id let ya no talked to a geologist today and went through a few test as far as we could figure the red is almandine garnets the green is green or chrome tourmaline and the black and beer bottle brown stuff was spinel cheers

Hi Lucas.

Yep, thought the red ones were some garnet variety.

Still not sure about the green ones, they don't really look like any tourmaline I've seen, though its hard to,tell from a photo. Not a geologist but my understanding was that tourmaline crystals typically form in lithium-rich pegmatites, so granite is the host rock, not actual eruptive magmas. Anyway, I didnt think it formed in lava flow rock like basalt. Perhaps what you dug them out of is decomposed granite.. As the photos others have posted show, tourmaline crystals have a pretty distinctive shape.

Be very intersted to hear the results.

Yer righto I didn't think it looked like tourmaline after a link I looked at either from wat I could read it has a more prominent shape but I duno I'm Thin King of sending it down to the jcu in Townsville to have an analytic test done on it, may cost a bit but seems to be the only sure way to no wat u r finding there is a lot of granite in the creek that runs out of the ridge on the opposite side but there is also a fair bit of quartz in the creek with it but I'm just learning that they don't usually come together , we thought maybe the creek runs right along the edge of a join of granite and basalt

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