For ALL NSW fossickers and prospectors this survey ends on 20th August. I have just finished my submission and recommend as many people here on the forum from NSW do likewise.
It's a fairly extensive survey but not at all difficult to the very last section there is a section for you to have your say...and of course I brought up the matter of the issues surrounding access of our traditional prospecting areas and also that I was a member of Napfa. I did not pretend to make any claim or statement on behalf of Napfa but rather I made a personal appeal for the powers that be recognise that Crown Land is OUR LAND and that it is important to remember that.Among other things I also referred to our historical ties to the pursuit of gold and gems.....In doing so I did feel like a bit of a (Voice in the Wilderness)but I don't care..I had my say...and that's all I can do.