just a warning to those who use bug bombs... DO NOT put them in ceilings. House roofs dont vent well and people have caused fires after turning power back on. Bug bombs contain hydrocarbons... thats right, you run your car on hydrocarbons! The best way to keep spiders ect at bay is to do a one of spray in ceiling then followup with bi yearly sprays around the house. You need to stop them entering rather than kill them once they've entered :Y:
Where I live we have an enormous amount of bugs.. spiders, snakes (browns and blacks) and all sorts of creepy crawlies. We spray around the house every 2~3 years using a residual pesticide called Surround, you must be licensed to use this stuff, its nasty, its absorbed via the skin pores. We spray right around the house where the paving meets the brickwork, and also around the base of verandah columns, basically everywhere crawlies can climb to get onto/into the house. The next day each time we spray all sorts of bugs lay dead, this continues for a few days and will last a couple years.
White tails in the house... usually when things are left laying on the floor, so dont leave things like clothes, paper ect laying about.
Take the time to look around the house and block off any holes, cracks ect that may allow things to enter.
Also eucaliptus is a great anti itching, anti stinging treatment.
Get a cat... I cant believe I said that, I hate them for what they do to the Aussie wildlife, but they do have their places. A good cat will keep mice at bay (thus limit snakes too) and will like most things play with spiders and kill them in the process.
Hope you get well soon fella, you sure the Mrs didn't give ya one while you slept, sure looks like she did