Someone knows this good friend here in the forum?

Prospecting Australia

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joao garimpeiro

Joo Novaes Neto
Apr 20, 2014
Reaction score
drawing by Joo garimpeiro
you guess who this good friend?







joao garimpeiro said:
this is DrDuck!
Long before joining this site, one thread I can remember looking at, I'm thinking you had a sketch of, probably your children (or child). Nice to see people with talent. Don't see much of it in my area.
AKA_RedRimmed_Desert said:
joao garimpeiro said:
this is DrDuck!
Long before joining this site, one thread I can remember looking at, I'm thinking you had a sketch of, probably your children (or child). Nice to see people with talent. Don't see much of it in my area.

Thank you mate!

I'm glad you enjoyed :)
Dreamwalking said:
Well done Joao ... I don't know if it was skill in the portraitures of Dr Duck or whether I have been reading to many of his post and looking at his avatar ... but flipping between your 3rd and 4th increments I guessed it to be DR Duck.

Thank you mate! :)
I wish we had more treasure hunters/prospectors in the USA, who can draw but doesn't seem to be so. Recently tried it on our largest treasure hunting/propecting site....only 1 person posted anything, the same person who I knew had done a shipwreck display for commission at a museum (he did a nice charcoal dog sketch). The shipwreck display wasn't a drawing, but more like a model ship sculpture with waves and shoreline. You can see it with this link.
G'Day Mates!

Pencil is good for sketching no doubt.....Joao has excellent control over pencil and paper for sure. I'm doing my 2nd sketch mainly in pencil first then adding some charcoal in places for darker shadows. Ink is mostly now around the lower nose upper lip which can be deep in shadows. The eyes seem best left mostly intact with pencil. Mixing is a challenge though, will wait a long time before trying a color mix.

Yes, Doc, your daughter does a very nice watercolor indeed!

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