Some finds from Lowmead

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Had a nice day at Lowmead today.

Much the same mix of amethyst and citrine, we finally found some little bits of smokey but nothing worth posting pics of.
Your mate was right KTM, looks like we are following a vein.

heya peeps hows ya all
been a while since i been up so has anyone been finding ??
i see some of you have yr detectors after yr name
so i take it some of u do some of that as i do
looking to do something different this yr and chase gold so i looking to venture away to where the colour is
if anyone has a place to go and doesnt mind someone that tags along hit me up
cheers len
Hey Toogoom, yeah the detector bug has bitten pretty hard,though I am only looking for coins.I want to get up to Lowmead again whilst it is still cool,though that probably won't happen for another 3 weeks or so. I will post when I am heading up next time.
heya ktman i do some of my detecting on the beach and have come across old coins in certain places
one part of the beach was a place where people many yrs ago camped by the water so do find some old ones there
Many other things to find on the beach in rings necklaces coins and the thing us detectorists hate bottle tops and pull tabs lol
Havent had to erge to get back to lowmead so far but sure i,ll get back there soon
Hi Guys
The members who contribute to this thread seem to know a lot about the Lowmead, Fingerboard Road area.
I'm after some information and you may be able to help.
The first Government Surveyor (Stutchbury) in the late 1850,s reported finding some Gold and small rubies in the Mount Tom area.
I have not been able to find any other references to this find.
Does anybody know anything about the Mount Tom area that will help me
Went for a run up to Lowmead today with the kids.

Tried probing the ground with a steel rod (brushcutter shaft) to find the quartz pockets. The method does work but it has no discrimination as to weather it's that orange lumpy bally stuff or quartz. We (I) dug three different holes and abandoned the first two and ended up digging right next to our original diggings and found the same old stuff we've found from there, nothing worthy of a photo but good to get the kids outdoors.

I went through three tshirts and we drank around twelve litres of water between us

Yeah, digging can be a bit punishing at this time of year unless you're working underground. Ice vests keep your body temp down but they are bloody expensive and only last a couple of hours maximum.
Hi everyone
I have just read through this entire thread with interest! I didn't realise there was anything so close to home where you could fossick and am keen to take my partner and 7 year old out for a trip. Is it still ok to dig here? Thinking of heading out either the weekend of the 25/08 or the following. Would love to get him interested as I've been trying to get him to come to the gemfields for years, luckily my girl takes after me and loves all things rocks :D
You need to take the kids to places where they WILL find something, otherwise they get bored real quick.... Good luck in the hunt.. Lowmead will see me there this year I hope...

Hi snapdragon, I was out there for a dig last weekend.
You can still find some nice bits there,but only if you are prepared to do some hard work digging a big hole.
Just scratching around on the top will see the kids bored pretty quickly. I used to take my 2, but they don't come any more.
And unless you are with Telstra, there won't be any internet.
Here's a pic of the bits I bothered bringing home..
You've found some nice bits there ktmman.

My lovely daughter is satisfied picking up bits of gravel and the like as she finds it, even when they all look the same. I don't think she'll be too stressed if she doesn't find any actual crystals :lol: To be honest I'm more worried about my partner and keeping his interest up, lol.

We're thinking of heading up to mount hay too, so might do one each weekend (my father is up visiting too so will be good to take him somewhere new).
Not sure if that's conglomerate or a bit of a decomposing reef.?my guess would be of the latter but hard to tell without seeing where it came from.I would crush it up and see how many Goody's end up in the corner of your pan when u pan it out.either way that's a real promising sign what your holding there in your hand. :)
Kman are you still active? Trying to get some info on watalgan 🤣