Bundy Ben
Rockhound said:Thanks BundyBen,I see you are after new patches on private property.A couple of years ago my father and myself were caretaking on a 2000 acre cattle property a few km's south of Lowmead.Not being interested in crystals at the time and to busy chasin cattle about I didn't bother having a look around but in hindsight it looks the goods.Lots of alluvial granite country.I think the property changed hands since then but should be no problem gaining access. I will let all know how I go.
There are crystals reported to the south of Lowmead, western side of the road. Have a mate who knows an owner up that way, just trying to find a time that we can meet. I will have no problem sharing info that I gain...providing the owner is ok with that of course.
We dound a small patch (above in the thread) on top of a ridge & heard from an old-timer that he had found crystal in a creek on the western side of the range (west of the diggings) We have walked the 3 highest peaks there and a fair few of the creek beds that fall to the southern side towards Clarks rd. So far, no excitement. I reckon another 20 odd days of walking the hills & creeks withing a 15km radius of the diggings Should show up something we can access.