Silver and gold

Prospecting Australia

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All natural gold is impure and one of the common impurities is silver, hence when selling your gold finds to a refinery you should also get paid for the silver content that you inadvertently delivered. Whether the two metals are ALWAYS found together, I don't know.
Much literature states that the Gold nuggets in the Vic GT contain around 5% Silver.
When I run Specific Gravity (SG) tests on GT speccies, I therefore use a gold amalgam SG of 18.88g/cc (not Gold's SG of 19.32), representing gold purity of 22.8 karat.
Some even state that they have found Silver nuggets, but I've not found any (unless they looked like Lead and I turfed them). I've seen Gold nuggets in streams here that have been panned that looked like Silver, but were actually coated in old-timers' dumped Mercury.
Sorry if that's too much info ;)
Interesting read Dave. Gold and violence have been intertwined throughout history, although in this case, just hatred of the white man who was after gold/silver?