This is a follow on from the prospecting rules and regulation section of the forum, i have been at design stage of a silt catching system for a few months now to help keep the greens of our backs while we are out banking trommeling or river sluicing, ive hit a few snags, and with working away has just slowed the process, so im asking PA members to throw in their ideas and hopefully we can come up with a user friendly way of desilting some of the water after sluicing, so get your thinking caps on.
Once the best idea is agreed upon the designs will be posted in this section for ALL to copy and use at their own will. Lets show these greenies we mean business and help put a stop to the proposed changes in prospecting laws.
Once the best idea is agreed upon the designs will be posted in this section for ALL to copy and use at their own will. Lets show these greenies we mean business and help put a stop to the proposed changes in prospecting laws.