SDC2300 Batteries and Chargers

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Sep 8, 2013
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Hi All
Just bought a SDC I want to get another 4X C battery's and charger
Has anyone ventured into a better charger then what comes with the SDC and choices, I have been searching doesn't appear to be much around in the way of chargers.
There's not much in the way of 12v/240v chargers around. I used to have the standard charger in my hard case for 12v use if needed but at home I used a Maha Powerex MH-C808M. It has 8 x stations allowing you to charge 2 x sets of SDC batteries at a time but is 240v.
It can charge between one and eight AA / AAA / C / D NiMH or NiCD batteries in any combination, quick charges & has a built in battery conditioner.
My 2 x sets of SDC batteries using this charger were still lasting over a day detecting after more than 12 months use when I sold my SDC. It's not cheap though, from memory mine was around $120 but see them now up to $199.

Edit: Redfin beat me too it :)
I'll vouch for Nenad's Accupower batteries and chargers, really great quality, I bought 2x9v batteries for my Aldi detector with the Accupower charger, I'm sure the Accupower C cell batteries would be perfectt for the SDC. I will probably buy a set of the C cells sooner or later too.
We have a lot of AA rechargeable batteries for all our devices. We also have spare C size batteries for the SDC and we've found the Coles brand batteries are the best value for money. They are $7.00 a pair and they've never failed. One the other hand all of our expensive Energiser batteries have packed it in within a year or two.
Thanks for the reply's I will be getting the MAHA charger c808m I think it will pay for itself over time love that it will charge 8Xbattrys at once, some reading with the pointers you guys put me on, I wasn't aware the slower they charge the better life they have.
Buy the best you can or just stick with the original the SDC (If YOU look in the right place) will pay for new batteries many times over, have no doubt about that, it is literally amazing & will keep the gold coming when others fail, see my previous comment above.

Good luck & have fun don't stress about the batteries, there are other things to think about spending your coin on to enhance the SDC, to make the whole experience much better.
RC are you heading Western Creek way this June?

Hi K M
Not sure of my plans at this stage, I did not go to Western Creek last year at all, been working different country.
Why do you ask?

Sorry to bump an old thread but it seemed the better choice than creating a new one.

I purchased an sdc 2300 last week and have been looking at purchasing rechargable C batteries for it. I was going to purchase the Accupower 6000 mAh C batteries (4 for $55) as they appear to have the best reputation and lots of power, but I noticed Dick Smith have 70% off their own branded rechargeable C batteries. The DS ones are only 4500 mAh but at 70% off, it's only $13.18 for 4 of them. It seemed worth a shot as I doubt the DS branded ones are as junky as the supposed 9500 mAh ones you see on ebay (prob a safe bet to pass on these IMO), so I'm taking a gamble and bought 16 of them, giving me an extra 4 set of batteries to take with me when I go prospecting soon.

Keep in mind, this isn't a recommendation that the DS ones are of any great quality, but if you were looking for batteries that are probably of average to good quality at a cheap price, maybe take a look, or maybe someone here knows if they are good or poor quality? Below is the link, not sure if I can post them yet.
Hi Cazalla,
I personally would not worry too much about what batteries you use as long as you have the originals and a spare set you should be ok. My originals last at least 6_8 hours and that is about how long I usually detect. I always have a second set handy just in case, that should see you through until you can recharge them.
I ended up with the powerex charger and batteries the batteries fit tighter in the SDC very happy with them .
Costly but I think it was worth it.

RC just asking as you have a lot of post on the area, we head up every year. Yes been to all the places in your post plus a couple more it sure is a good place to head in the early winter.

I ended up with the powerex charger and batteries the batteries fit tighter in the SDC very happy with them .
Costly but I think it was worth it.

RC just asking as you have a lot of post on the area, we head up every year. Yes been to all the places in your post plus a couple more it sure is a good place to head in the early winter.


I find there are too many people around for my liking on those places, I would love to get back to WC to see Brownie & Co, but am lying low, if that was not already obvious :) apparently I don't play well in groups ??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: there are plenty of stories of the 2014 Rush on WC
rc62burke said:
I ended up with the powerex charger and batteries the batteries fit tighter in the SDC very happy with them .
Costly but I think it was worth it.

RC just asking as you have a lot of post on the area, we head up every year. Yes been to all the places in your post plus a couple more it sure is a good place to head in the early winter.


I find there are too many people around for my liking on those places, I would love to get back to WC to see Brownie & Co, but am lying low, if that was not already obvious :) apparently I don't play well in groups ??? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: there are plenty of stories of the 2014 Rush on WC
True 2014 the stories were wild, 2015 we only had one day at WC people every where good for the Browns.
We like being up that way for a break just poke around.
Just got my sdc rang minelab to get some spare batteries and they told me that they don't sell them he told me to ring jaycar for some 4500 ma batteries did that 3000 ma is best they got is this a joke or something they sell you the machine and make fortune but since theirs not enough profit in the batteries for them they pretty much say your on your own I guess my money will have to go to China again eBay here I come very disappointed in minelabs way of business the batteries I got with detector are branded minelab why don't sell spares what a JOKE. :mad:
Search the forum, there is a tonne of info one which batteries to use with the 2300. It never really bothered me that Minelab don't sell batteries, it's the same for any product that takes batteries (in my experience anyway).