G'day guys.
Good to catch up Mark, Wayne, Brian and his kids. Faces and names, all I gotta do is remember them now.
Bugger all water. Big Bryza managed to get a little flow through his new sluice, just enough to get him a little colour so he was pleased. Brian got his flow over the crossing where the water had to go over rather than through.
There's quite a few holes with a little bit of flow coming through the gravel to top the holes up. Enough to run my 2000 gal/hour bilge pump for my hi banger. Most of the gravel there has been turned over that many times though, it's sun burnt on all sides.
Just before it was time for me to head off, I found a little more colour which will see me trying again next week, but I reckon that will be it then. I'll be looking for greener pastures,,, or is that yellower,,,, anyway, somewhere different. Actually, next weekend I might go somewhere to do an overnighter. We'll see.
This trip all I got was the usual gems, and some small colour. In amongst it though were 3 or 4 quite course pickers.
Oh by the way. It seems I pulled a clanger. I told everyone to meet me at the "Modern Day Bakery and Cafe", trouble is, about six months ago it was renamed. I forgot the name and checked it out on Google "Street View" and obviously, the image is over six months old. It's now the Daylesford Bakery. Best laid plans of mice and men aye,,, Sorry bout that.
Oh well, may all your pans be full of yellow stuff,,,, and I don't mean bed pans.
Cheers, Ron.
PS. Remember Brian. Next time, if you want your young bloke to get interested and not get bored, seed his pan with a little colour when he's not looking. Might be a good investment. Certainly a better hobby that some of the other stuff our young folk are into these days. A bit like taking them fishing for the first time. Make sure they catch some fish, even if it is rubbish.